Church Vision

God’s House of Deliverance

Church Vision


Vision is the ability to perceive something that is not yet visible, although placed in the mind of man by God, with faith as the guide.

Habakkuk 2:2 states,  Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it.

We envision many churches being established from this ministry locally and abroad, established and licensed and ordained individuals that will be led of the Holy Ghost in accordance with all the provisions as set forth in the Holy Bible.

We envision a church that will promote and encourage, through ministries of the organization, cooperation of other organizations with the community, spreading the word of the gospel by ministering to all through workshops, conferences, retreats, seminars, radio and television, as well as, the internet.

We envision a church that will grow spiritually, physically, and financially, to provide for any other type of school for the religious and educational instruction of the young, as well as, adults to perform or carry out any other activity that may be lawful for the organization under the direction of the church.

We envision a facility to conduct a school for the training of ministers, that they may be licensed and ordained, as set forth by God.

Proverbs 28:18 states,  Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law happy is he. 

Submitted to the people as given by Bishop Oscar Johnson, Jr. on September 12, 1999.